Our black disinfectant fluids are formulated from high quality phenolic ingredients and vegetable oil soap. The range consists of two major product areas, both of which are bright black liquids and produce strong, stable white emulsions when diluted with water.
Tamsolina Concentrate
Tamsolina Concentrate is our most popular and cost-effective black fluid. Tamsolina Concentrate is diluted with three parts of water to produce Tamsolina, a general-purpose disinfectant for use in industrial, domestic and veterinary applications (especially for farms). Tamsolina passes the EN1276 test for bactericidal activity when diluted at 1:50 with water.
Tamsol 5/7
Tamsol 5/7 is an extra-strength general purpose black disinfectant fluid for industrial, domestic and veterinary applications. Tamsol 5/7 passes the EN1276 test for bactericidal activity when diluted at 1:100 with water.